Marc is currently showing in a group exhibition at the 87 Gallery in Hull.
“I’m pleased to have been invited to take part in this brilliant exhibition as a result of attending the ‘Streams’ workshops at Artlink. It’s good to be working as part of the local community and love the positive, inclusive ethos of the organisation’.
What We Do is an exhibition that shows the outcomes of our creative programme at Artlink Hull and 87 Gallery. Work by artists and participants involved in the projects outlined below are brought together in celebration of our work within and outside of the gallery.
Creative Connections is an ongoing series of workshops that pairs local artists with Disabled communities to explore creative processes and improve wellbeing. Workshops are held in our gallery and at our partner venues: Danny’s Dream, Sight Support and Victoria House.
Explorers is our learning programme for children and young people aged 7-16. Participants work with artists to learn new skills, make friends and gain insight into the creative sector. Workshops happen at our gallery, in Hull Libraries locations and care settings around the city.
Streams is a series of workshops for adults, delivered in partnership with the Critical Fish, to support the development of critical and creative responses to art.
Tales and Scales Arts hosts a quarterly open mic evening that showcases Disabled, Neurodivergent and Queer artists and their allies, curated by Emily Oetegenn.
87 Gallery commissions new work by local, national and international artists for our quarterly exhibitions programme. We run the Disability Arts Network and are passionate advocates of inclusion, accessibility and co-production. We often work with Misc Print Co. to commission limited edition screen prints with our exhibiting artists.